National Webbing Products
and NWP Harness
National Webbing Products was established in 1947 and deals with technically advanced products designed for ease of use and comfort. The licensed SENSE-ation and SENSE-ible product line, selling under the name NWP Harness, consists of models made in different materials to meet the needs of both dogs and owners.
National Webbing Products Co. (NWP) WWW.NATIONALWEBBING.COM is a vertically integrated, diverse manufacturer of narrow fabrics, hardware, hook and loop, neoprene and zippers. Our wide range of narrow fabrics includes webbing, braid, tapes, knits, and cords from commodity to military specification to fashion and everything in between. We offer cotton, polypropylene, nylon, polyester, webbings tapes and braids made from eco-friendly raw materials. NWP has been providing raw materials and quality finished products in a timely fashion around the corner or around the world for over 70 years.
We can design your products in the United States; manufacture them domestically or at our own joint-venture plants in Asia and ship to your facilities throughout the world! "Excellence Through Innovation" summarizes our approach to product development. Our ongoing innovative philosophy ensures your products will be on the cutting edge of technology in appearance, function and performance. NWP is the prime supplier of narrow fabrics, hardware, hook and loop, neoprene and zippers that are used in a multitude of finished products.
NWP controls the entire manufacturing process from raw materials through assembly and packaging with our quality control department supervising each step of the process. NWP's prime commitment is to provide quality, efficiency, reliability, and customer service. NWP’s straps can be assembled from cotton, nylon, polypropylene using our high quality plastic and metal
45 Fairchild Ave. Suite E Retail Chains, Trainers, Grooming,
Plainview, NY 11803 Animal Shelters
ASPCA, Humane Societies, SPCA, Trainers​
Scott Grabelsky - V.P. Sales
Email: Sgrabelsky@nationalwebbing.com
Tel: 516-346-4636 x111
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
Monday - Friday